Equilibrium Constant Calculator

You can use this equilibrium constant calculator to learn about reversible chemical reactions.

Enter the concentrations and coefficients to find the equilibrium constant.

Reversible chemical reactions are those reactions in which both the forward and reverse reactions take place at the same time.

a[A] + b[B] ⇌ c[C] + d[D]

Determining the equilibrium constant for a reaction helps determine the ratio of substances created at equilibrium.

Equilibrium Constant Calculator

You might want to calculate the temperature of the reaction or pressure of the reactions.

What is an Equilibrium Constant?

An equilibrium constant is a numerical value that expresses the relationship between the concentrations of reactants and products in a chemical reaction at equilibrium. It provides crucial information about the extent to which a reaction proceeds and the relative amounts of reactants and products present when the reaction reaches a state of dynamic equilibrium.

The equilibrium constant is typically denoted as K, with Kc representing the equilibrium constant in terms of concentration and Kp for partial pressures in gas-phase reactions.

The Importance of Equilibrium Constants

Equilibrium constants play a vital role in chemistry for several reasons:

  1. Predicting reaction direction: The value of K helps determine whether a reaction will proceed towards products or reactants.
  2. Determining reaction completeness: A large K indicates the reaction favors product formation, while a small K suggests the reaction favors reactants.
  3. Calculating equilibrium concentrations: Using the equilibrium constant, chemists can determine the concentrations of reactants and products at equilibrium.
  4. Industrial applications: Understanding equilibrium constants is crucial for optimizing industrial processes and maximizing product yield.

How to Calculate the Equilibrium Constant

To calculate the equilibrium constant, you need to know the balanced chemical equation and the equilibrium concentrations of reactants and products. The general formula for the equilibrium constant is:

K = [C]^c [D]^d / [A]^a [B]^b


  • [A], [B], [C], and [D] represent the molar concentrations of reactants and products at equilibrium
  • a, b, c, and d are the coefficients from the balanced chemical equation

For gas-phase reactions, you can use partial pressures instead of concentrations to calculate Kp.

Using the Equilibrium Constant Calculator

Our equilibrium constant calculator simplifies the process of calculating K. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Enter the equilibrium concentrations of reactants (A and B) and products (C and D) in their respective fields.
  2. Input the coefficients from the balanced chemical equation for each species.
  3. The calculator will automatically compute the equilibrium constant based on the provided information.

Example 1: Calculating Kc for a Simple Reaction

Let’s consider the reversible reaction: N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3

Suppose at equilibrium, we have the following concentrations:
[N2] = 0.2 M
[H2] = 0.1 M
[NH3] = 0.04 M

To calculate Kc:

Enter the concentrations:

A = 0.2
B = 0.1
C = 0.04

Enter the coefficients:
a (N2) = 1
b (H2) = 3
c (NH3) = 2

The calculator will output:
Kc = 64

This result indicates that at equilibrium, the reaction favors the formation of ammonia (NH3).

Converting Between Kc and Kp

For gas-phase reactions, it’s often necessary to convert between Kc and Kp. The relationship between these two constants is:

Kp = Kc * (RT)^Δn


  • R is the gas constant (0.0821 L⋅atm/mol⋅K)
  • T is the temperature in Kelvin
  • Δn is the change in the number of moles of gas from reactants to products

Example 2: Converting Kc to Kp

Consider the reaction: 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g)


  • Kc = 2.8 × 10^2 at 1000 K
  • Δn = 2 – 3 = -1 (moles of gas decrease by 1)

To calculate Kp:

  1. Kp = 2.8 × 10^2 * (0.0821 * 1000)^-1
  2. Kp = 3.41

This example demonstrates how to convert between Kc and Kp, which is crucial when dealing with gas-phase equilibria.

The ICE Table Method

The ICE (Initial, Change, Equilibrium) table is a valuable tool for solving equilibrium problems. It helps organize information and calculate equilibrium concentrations when given initial concentrations and the equilibrium constant.

Here’s how to use the ICE table:

  1. Set up a table with rows for Initial concentration, Change in concentration, and Equilibrium concentration.
  2. Fill in the initial concentrations and use ‘x’ to represent the change in concentration.
  3. Write expressions for the equilibrium concentrations in terms of x.
  4. Use these expressions in the equilibrium constant equation and solve for x.
  5. Calculate the equilibrium concentrations using the solved value of x.

Factors Affecting Equilibrium Constants

Several factors can influence the value of the equilibrium constant:

  1. Temperature: The equilibrium constant changes with temperature according to Le Chatelier’s principle.
  2. Pressure: For gas-phase reactions, changes in pressure can affect the equilibrium position but not the value of Kc.
  3. Concentration: Changing concentrations will shift the equilibrium position but not alter the equilibrium constant.
  4. Catalysts: While catalysts speed up reactions, they do not affect the equilibrium constant.

Understanding these factors is crucial for predicting and controlling chemical reactions in various settings, from laboratory experiments to industrial processes.

Practical Applications of Equilibrium Constants

Equilibrium constants have numerous practical applications in chemistry and industry:

  1. pH calculations: Used in acid-base chemistry to determine the pH of buffer solutions.
  2. Solubility predictions: Help in predicting the solubility of sparingly soluble salts.
  3. Industrial process optimization: Used to maximize product yield in reactions like the Haber process for ammonia production.
  4. Environmental chemistry: Applied in understanding and modeling complex environmental systems, such as carbon dioxide absorption in oceans.
Equilibrium Constant Calculator


  • Bigeleisen, J., & Mayer, M. G. (1947). Calculation of equilibrium constants for isotopic exchange reactions. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 15(5), 261-267.
  • Mayr, H., & Ofial, A. R. (2016). Philicities, fugalities, and equilibrium constants. Accounts of Chemical Research, 49(5), 952-965.
  • Hammett, L. P. (1935). Some relations between reaction rates and equilibrium constants. Chemical reviews, 17(1), 125-136.
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