Square Root Curve formula and Calculator

Square Root Curve Calculator

The square root curve calculator helps you convert the percentage of students’ grades into square root curve grades.

Five (5) number summary calculator

5 Number Summary Calculator

The five number summary calculator helps you calculate the minimum, maximum, median, and first and third quartiles.

Grade curve calculator

Grade Curve Calculator

The Grade Curve Calculator allows you to calculate the approximate grading scale for a standard grade curve, helping in professional assessment.

Percentile rank calculator

Percentile Rank Calculator

The percentile rank calculator allows you to effortlessly determine the percentile of any data value within a set of up to 30 numbers.

class width calculator

Class Width Calculator

The class width calculator helps you calculate the difference between the upper and lower class limit of a class interval.

class rank calculator

Class Rank Calculator

With this class rank calculator, you can effortlessly determine a student’s ranking and the total marks they have achieved.

Stem and leaf calculator

Stem and leaf calculator

You can use this stem and leaf plot calculator to draw a graph and explore related statistical entities.

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