Flag Calculator

The Union

Union width (C): 0 cm

Union length (D): 0 cm

Star gaps

Star gaps – width (E): 0 cm

Star gaps – length (F): 0 cm

Stars diameter

Stars diameter (G): 0 cm

The 4th of July is around the corner.

Do you want to create the perfect US flag but can’t find an easy way to determine the correct measurements?

This flag calculator helps you calculate the union width, length, star gaps, and star diameter.

Simply enter any one value. For example, the width or length of the flag. You can also add the width of the strips, and the calculator will automatically calculate all the remaining measurements.

Flag Calculator

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Understanding the American Flag Calculator

The flag calculator is a specialized tool designed to help users determine the correct dimensions for an American flag based on specific inputs. This calculator takes into account the official proportions and measurements set forth in the United States Flag Code, ensuring that your flag meets the required standards.

By inputting certain parameters, such as the desired width or length of the flag, or even the height of your flagpole, the calculator will generate the appropriate dimensions for all elements of the flag. This includes the overall size, stripe width, union (blue field) size, and even the diameter of the stars.

How to Use the Flag Size Calculator

Using the flag calculator is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this useful tool:

1. Determine your primary measurement: Decide which dimension you want to start with. This could be the flag’s width, length, or even the stripe width.

2. Input the value: Enter your chosen measurement into the appropriate field in the calculator.

3. Calculate: The tool will automatically generate the remaining dimensions based on your input.

4. Review the results: The calculator will provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of all flag elements, ensuring proper proportions.

For example, if you input a width of 3 feet, the calculator will determine that the length should be 5.7 feet (following the standard 1:1.9 ratio). It will also calculate the width of each stripe, the size of the union, and other crucial measurements.

The Importance of Correct Flag Proportions

Maintaining the correct proportions of the American flag is not just about aesthetics; it’s a matter of respect and adherence to national standards. The U.S. Flag Code specifies that the flag should have a width-to-length ratio of 1:1.9. This means that for every unit of width, the length should be 1.9 units.

Using a flag calculator ensures that you maintain these proportions regardless of the overall size of your flag. Whether you’re creating a small flag for a desk display or a large one for a building facade, the calculator helps you maintain the correct ratio and dimension of each element.

Key Elements Calculated by the Flag Size Calculator

A comprehensive flag calculator will provide dimensions for several key elements of the American flag. Understanding these components is crucial for anyone looking to create or purchase a flag that meets official standards:

1. Overall width and length
2. Stripe width
3. Union (blue field) dimensions
4. Star size and spacing
5. Fly end (length of the stripes)

Each of these elements plays a crucial role in the flag’s overall appearance and symbolism. The flag calculator ensures that all these components are in perfect proportion to one another, resulting in a visually balanced and officially compliant flag.

Calculating Flag Size Based on Flagpole Height

One of the most useful features of many flag calculators is the ability to determine the appropriate flag size based on the height of your flagpole. This is particularly helpful for businesses, schools, or homeowners looking to install a new flagpole and flag.

The general rule of thumb is that the length of the flag should be approximately one-quarter to one-third the height of the flagpole. For example:

– For a 20-foot flagpole, a flag calculator might recommend a flag size of 3′ x 5′ or 4′ x 6′.
– For a 25-foot flagpole, the recommended flag size might be 4′ x 6′ or 5′ x 8′.

By inputting your flagpole height into the calculator, you can quickly determine the ideal flag size that will look proportionate and wave properly in the wind.

The Flag Calculator and DIY Projects

For those interested in creating their own American flags, whether for art projects, historical reenactments, or personal use, the flag calculator is an invaluable tool. It provides precise measurements for each component of the flag, allowing for accurate cutting and assembly of materials.

When embarking on a DIY flag project, consider the following steps:

1. Use the flag calculator to determine all necessary dimensions.
2. Choose appropriate materials (fabric, paint, etc.) based on your project’s needs.
3. Create templates for the union and stars using the calculated measurements.
4. Cut stripes and the union according to the specified dimensions.
5. Assemble the flag, ensuring all elements are properly aligned and proportioned.


Can the flag calculator be used for flags of other countries?
Most flag calculators are specifically designed for the American flag. Other countries may have different proportions and elements, requiring separate calculators.

How accurate is the flag calculator?
Flag calculators are typically very accurate, as they use the official proportions specified in the U.S. Flag Code. However, always double-check your measurements before making any purchases or cuts.

Can I use the flag calculator for digital designs?
Absolutely! The proportions provided by the calculator are applicable to both physical and digital representations of the American flag.

What if I want a non-standard size flag?
While it’s best to stick to standard proportions, you can use the calculator to determine the closest standard size and then adjust as needed for your specific requirements.

Selecting the Right Flag Size for Your Needs

While the flag calculator provides accurate dimensions, selecting the right size flag for your specific needs involves considering several factors:

  • Display location: Indoor flags typically range from 2′ x 3′ to 5′ x 8′, while outdoor flags can be much larger.
  • Visibility: Consider how far away the flag will typically be viewed from and choose a size that ensures visibility.
  • Wind conditions: Larger flags require stronger winds to fly properly. In areas with light winds, a smaller flag might be more appropriate.
  • Budget and maintenance: Larger flags are generally more expensive and may require more frequent replacement due to wear and tear.

Use the flag calculator to explore different size options and consider these factors to make an informed decision about the best flag size for your situation.

The Flag Calculator and Official Standards

It’s important to note that while the flag calculator provides dimensions based on official standards, there is some flexibility in flag sizes for personal and commercial use. The U.S. Flag Code does not mandate specific sizes, but rather focuses on maintaining proper proportions.

Common standard sizes for American flags include:

– 3′ x 5′
– 4′ x 6′
– 5′ x 8′
– 6′ x 10′
– 8′ x 12′

The flag calculator can help you understand how these standard sizes relate to the official proportions and assist in choosing the most appropriate size for your needs.

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