Octagon Calculator

The Octagon calculator helps you calculate all eight vertices of the octagon from side length or perimeter.

Simply enter the side length (a) or perimeter to calculate the remaining values like area, longest diagonal, medium diagonal, shortest diagonal, circumcircle radius, and incircle radius.

The calculator uses the following formulae for octagon calculations:

  • area of regular polygon = perimeter x apothem / 2
  • area of triangle = base x height / 2
  • area of octagon = 8 x base x height / 2 = perimeter x apothem / 2
  • short diagonal = a x √(2 + √2)
  • Medium diagonal = a x (1 + √2)
  • Long diagonal l = a x √(4 + 2√2)
  • Circumcircle radius= l/2 = a / 2 x √(4 + 2√2)
  • Incircle radius (apothem)= m/2 = a/2 x (1 + √2)
octagon Calculator and formula

You might be interested in finding the polar coordinates or polar conversions.


  • Octagon – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.). Octagon – an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-012619455-5.50002-4
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