Screen printing pricing calculator

The screen printing pricing calculator helps you calculate your net profit and find the correct pricing for your screen-printed items.

Enter the printing fees, raw material costs, and overhead expenses to calculate the net profit of your screen printing business.

In case you don’t know, screen printing is a printing method in which we use a mesh to transmit ink onto a substrate, except in stencil-blocked areas.

Knowing all the costs, like ink, labor, mesh, t-shirt costs, etc., can help set the correct prices and earn the desired profit.

You might also want to find the correct sizes of shirts when you order in bulk and also set the t-shirt prices.

Screen printing pricing calculator

Pricing is one of the most critical aspects of running a successful screen printing business. It directly impacts your profitability, customer satisfaction, and overall business sustainability. A well-structured pricing strategy helps you:

  1. Cover all your costs, including materials, labor, and overhead
  2. Generate a healthy profit margin
  3. Remain competitive in the market
  4. Attract and retain customers

However, determining the right price for your screen printing services can be challenging, especially for new business owners or those looking to optimize their pricing strategy. This is where a screen printing pricing calculator comes into play.

What is a Screen Printing Pricing Calculator?

A screen printing pricing calculator is a tool designed to help screen printers calculate the cost of their services accurately. It takes into account various factors that contribute to the overall cost of a screen printing job, such as:

  1. Material costs (garments, inks, screens)
  2. Labor costs
  3. Overhead expenses
  4. Desired profit margin

By inputting these variables into the calculator, you can quickly determine a fair and profitable price for your screen printing services. This tool eliminates guesswork and ensures that you’re not underpricing or overpricing your products.

Key Components of a Screen Printing Pricing Calculator

To use a screen printing pricing calculator effectively, it’s essential to understand its key components. Here are the main elements you’ll typically find in a comprehensive pricing calculator:

1. Material Costs

This includes the cost of the garments, inks, and screens used in the printing process. To calculate material costs accurately, consider the following:

  • Cost per garment
  • Ink costs per color and per print
  • Screen costs (including emulsion and reclaiming expenses)

2. Labor Costs

Labor costs encompass the time and effort required to complete a screen printing job. This includes:

  • Setup time
  • Printing time
  • Clean-up time

To calculate labor costs, you’ll need to determine your hourly labor rate and estimate the time required for each stage of the printing process.

3. Overhead Expenses

Overhead costs are the ongoing expenses associated with running your screen printing business. These may include:

  • Rent or mortgage payments
  • Utilities
  • Equipment maintenance and depreciation
  • Insurance
  • Marketing and advertising expenses

To incorporate overhead costs into your pricing, you’ll need to calculate your total monthly overhead expenses and divide them by the number of jobs you typically complete in a month.

4. Profit Margin

Your desired profit margin is a crucial component of your pricing strategy. This is the percentage of the total cost that you add to ensure profitability. A typical profit margin in the screen printing industry ranges from 20% to 35%, but this can vary depending on your specific business model and market conditions.

How to Use our Screen Printing Pricing Calculator

Now that we’ve covered the key components, let’s walk through the process of using our screen printing pricing calculator:

  1. Gather all necessary information: Before using the calculator, collect data on your material costs, labor rates, overhead expenses, and desired profit margin.
  2. Input the data: Enter the collected information into the appropriate fields of the calculator.
  3. Specify job details: Enter the specifics of the screen printing job, such as the number of garments, colors, and print locations.
  4. Review the results: The calculator will provide you with a breakdown of costs and a suggested retail price for the job.
  5. Adjust as needed: Based on the results, you may want to make adjustments to your pricing strategy or job specifications to ensure profitability.

Benefits of Using a Screen Printing Pricing Calculator

Implementing a screen printing pricing calculator in your business offers several advantages:

  1. Accuracy: It helps eliminate human error in pricing calculations, ensuring that you cover all your costs and maintain profitability.
  2. Consistency: A calculator provides a standardized method for pricing, leading to more consistent quotes for your customers.
  3. Time-saving: Instead of manually calculating prices for each job, a calculator can quickly generate accurate quotes, saving you valuable time.
  4. Profitability analysis: By inputting different variables, you can analyze how changes in costs or profit margins affect your overall pricing strategy.
  5. Competitive pricing: A calculator helps you find the sweet spot between profitability and market competitiveness.

Customizing Your Screen Printing Pricing Calculator

While there are many pre-made screen printing pricing calculators available, you may want to create or customize one to fit your specific business needs. Here are some tips for customizing your calculator:

  1. Include all relevant cost factors: Ensure that your calculator accounts for all the costs specific to your business, including any unique expenses or processes.
  2. Incorporate volume discounts: If you offer discounts for larger orders, include a feature that automatically applies these discounts based on order quantity.
  3. Add options for different printing techniques: If you offer various printing methods (e.g., DTG, embroidery), include separate calculations for each.
  4. Include a profit margin slider: This allows you to easily adjust your profit margin and see how it affects the final price.
  5. Integrate with your business management software: If possible, link your pricing calculator with your inventory management and order processing systems for seamless operations.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Pricing Screen Printing Services

Even with a reliable pricing calculator, there are some common mistakes that screen printers should be aware of:

  1. Underestimating overhead costs: Make sure to account for all your business expenses, including less obvious costs like equipment depreciation and marketing expenses.
  2. Neglecting to update prices regularly: Review and update your pricing strategy periodically to account for changes in material costs, labor rates, and market conditions.
  3. Failing to consider competition: While it’s important to ensure profitability, be aware of your competitors’ pricing to remain competitive in the market.
  4. Overcomplicating the pricing structure: Keep your pricing model simple and easy to understand for both you and your customers.
  5. Not accounting for rush orders or special requests: Include options in your calculator for rush fees and additional charges for special requests or complex designs.


In the dynamic world of screen printing, accurate and competitive pricing is essential for business success. A well-designed screen printing pricing calculator can be an invaluable tool in achieving this goal. By incorporating all relevant costs, maintaining consistency, and regularly reviewing your pricing strategy, you can ensure that your screen printing business remains profitable and competitive in 2024 and beyond.

Remember, while a pricing calculator is a powerful tool, it should be used in conjunction with your industry knowledge and business acumen. Regular review and adjustment of your pricing strategy will help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving screen printing industry.

To get started with optimizing your pricing strategy, consider downloading a free screen printing pricing calculator template or exploring business management software options that include pricing calculation features. With the right tools and approach, you can take your screen printing business to new heights of profitability and success.


  • Screen printing – Wikipedia. (2019, November 1). Screen Printing – Wikipedia.
  • Screenprint. (n.d.). The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  • Farag, S. (2021, February 22). Screen Printing Pricing Guide – 5 Ways to Price Smarter. Printavo – Simple Screen Printing Management Software.
  • How To Price Screen Printing Job. (n.d.). Screen Print Direct.
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